Andy Toledo Founder of TOLEDO MARTIAL ARTS at the IKF POINT MUAY THAI TOURNAMENT at the Anhiem Convention Center

Andy Toledo Founder of TOLEDO MARTIAL ARTS at the IKF POINT MUAY THAI TOURNAMENT at the Anhiem Convention Center




It all started when…

After a long day in High School, my younger brother and I were walking home and we were suddenly attacked in the street. We both got beat up, and it was a horrible experience. But it lead to the realization that we can be attacked at anytime. My parents enrolled us in World Grandmaster Tiger Yang’s International MOOYEADO school in Fullerton, CA. It is a great school and I’m so happy to have a foundation in Korean martial arts. I really took to the martial arts and worked hard to become a Blackbelt. I would later fall in love with teaching it. I started training in many other styles: Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, and Self-Defense. It’s now been 20 years that I’ve dedicated to the martial arts. I’ve always been an instructor, I enjoy teaching martial arts and its always been a passion of mine. I’ve had many students from all walks of life. Now come follow me on your martial arts journey, whether it’s learning self-defense or becoming more fit. We train in a friendly, no ego, peaceful environment with a slow progression of techniques from beginner, intermediate, to advanced. Come to a group class or do a private lesson with me! Sign up on our RSVP page!


I’ve been doing Martial Arts for over 20 years. I’m a black belt in MOO YEA DO under Grand Master Tiger Yang. I love old Martial Arts like Karate and Kung Fu and I’m a big fan of Bruce Lee.

Myself looking cool in my Kung Fu uniform. I studied Wing Chun under Sifu Eric Jue. He is a great teacher and taught me a lot about the first form. He gave me a great understanding of the basic principles of Wing Chun Kung Fu.